What is your favorite part of this video (Something John said)?
Mine is, “He did nothing amiss” and “We did not fully comprehend”.
Christ set a meaningful pattern, as well. “He was in great agony. He prayed more earnestly.”
To my fellow travelers on the path of life, I wish you well. May we all continue to TURN our hearts, every particle, to God, our Heavenly Father, and to Jesus Chirst, whom He sent to make the way for us to return to our heavenly home and show us patterns by which we can live more satisfied and fulfilled lives and become clean on the INside, so we can be comfortable in our own skin. He is the way.
“The darkness has passed, and the TRUE LIGHT now shineth.” HE IS RISEN and still lives today.
Whether we need help finding our faith or help to simply strengthen our faith, I think these reminders are good for us. In our busy world, taking time to review what makes the most difference to our soul is important–and often forgotten.
I hope you’ll find something just right for you. I found hope to carry on and encouragement to do so.
Today, as I watched the video below, I was touched by the look in Thomas’ face (near the end) while seeing the wounds in Christ’s hands from the nails driven through them—healed, but remaining as a witness that it was, indeed, Jesus Christ.
I thought that he must be thinking, “But I saw you suffer!” Suffering, then death, then resurrection—so that all the children of mankind may be resurrected and reunited with our Heavenly Father. How glorious. How amazing. How loving. How kind. Glory be to God for His sacrifice and loving kindness unto us all.
Thomas must have been astounded. Seeing Christ die then live again! It was unheard of, beyond comprehension, until the EXPERIENCE changed Thomas life through his experiential understanding.
I’ve learned that spiritual experiences are not only things you see, but witnesses to our hearts through feelings. I’ve learned through countless experiences, especially experiences with suffering, that Christ still lives and loves us all. I know that the God to which he ascended IS our Heavenly Father, and that Heavenly Father DOES hear and answer our prayers. Not only did Jesus provide the resurrection, that someday our own body can reunite with our own spirit, but I humbly and deeply appreciate the price Christ paid to make a way that we might repent of our sins (change our hearts and ways) in order to be reunited someday with Heavenly Father. It’s a great feeling to know we can qualify for blessings instead of punishments (no matter what we’ve done), through the great gift of the Atonement that Christ provides IF we will repent, humbly and sincerely, and ask for his mercy to cleanse us from our sins, so that we will no longer be spiritually separated from God, we will find peace, and comfort and HOPE.
My hope is in Christ. “He paid a price he didn’t owe because we owed a debt we could not pay.” It is in He whom I put my trust.
From the words of Thomas S. Monson: No words in Christendom mean more to me than those spoken by the angel to the weeping Mary Magdalene and the other Mary when, on the first day of the week, they approached the tomb to care for the body of their Lord. Spoke the angel: “Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here, but is risen.” Our Savior lived again. The most glorious, comforting, and reassuring of all events of human history had taken place—the victory over death. The pain and agony of Gethsemane and Calvary had been wiped away. The salvation of mankind had been secured. The Fall of Adam had been reclaimed.
May this video bring you peace, understanding and reassurance. Happy Easter!
I loved this talk by Thomas Monson. Criticism and harsh judgments can be like poison to our own soul and to relationships.
We should be careful about judging others, as we may be looking through our own “unclean windows.”
“There’s really no way we can know the heart, the intentions, or the circumstances of
someone who might say or do something we find reason to criticize.
Thus the commandment: judge not.
I have been consoling a loved one who is going through agonizing pain. I remember the days, years ago, when my own heart was breaking. I would sit in my green rocker, and while holding my baby and rocking and rocking I would sing this song of hope, commitment and peace (click video) . I struggled to keep my perspective. It was comforting, and wisdom eventually emerged from the pain of long ago. I am grateful for the life, teachings and mission of Jesus Christ–who can set all things right, for the innocent and even for the offenders, if they call upon his name in prayer with humility in their heart and align themselves with His teachings. Hope you enjoy the video.
Thanking God, my Heavenly Father, for my adoptive father, James Lynn Calton. I can never thank my dad enough for his fun-loving, positive influence in my life. I miss him.
I’m rejoicing at this season of rebirth. Everything becomes new. It is a season of remembrance and celebration. Our hope is in Christ, who strengthens us. He overcame all things, including death, that we might live again with our Heavenly Father after we die because of Christ’s resurrection. (He paved the way for the rest of us.)
To live in God’s presence and be comfortable there, we must also humble our hearts and be cleansed from the effects of the choices we have made that are out of alignment with God’s will and laws (sin). In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus Christ took upon himself the sins of the world so WE might not suffer if we sincerely repent, ask forgiveness, make restitution, and change our ways. Because of Christ, we can be forgiven and cleansed from sin and the guilt, sorrow and disappointment that accompanies it. Each and every person can then become spiritually alive again through the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ-who made repentance and forgiveness possible.
Just think of it. Each day is a new beginning. Our worth is great in the sight of God. He (Heavenly Father) loved us so much that He sent his Son. Jesus Christ (His Son) loved us so much that He gave his life to make all this possible for US. We are blessed. We are loved. We are important.
I posted this wonderful video in remembrance of Jesus Christ. I am grateful for His teachings of joy and hope and healing–and also for His sufferings which were endured for a higher purpose.