This series of posts is about the pure love of Christ is called Charity. We read about this love in the Bible, 1 Corinthians, Chapter 13. In the next few days, watch for posts about this vital attribute of Christ. When we seek to emulate Him by loving as he loved, our heart changes, we are happier, and each of us can be a more positive INfluence on others. This is one way we can create positive generational change.
Charity, the pure love of Christ, seeketh not her own. —1 Corinthians 13:5
“It can be a great challenge to love others, especially if they have hurt us. But the commandment is clear: As the scriptures teach, charity, the pure love of Christ, ‘seeketh not her own.’ (Moro. 7:45.) If we are to come unto Christ and become like him, we must learn to truly love others.
“In the parable of the sheep and the goats, in Matthew 25:31–46 [Matt. 25:31–46], the Savior taught the importance of loving all those around us.
“One of the distinctions between the two groups will be their treatment of those whom we may think of as different from us or difficult to love—the unkind, the unrighteous, the different, and the antagonistic. To those who love and serve these people, the Lord has said, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matt. 25:40.) (Ensign, June 1988)
TODAY’s Affirmation: I am TODAY’s ChangeMaker*. I learn to love others, even when I disagree with them.
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*NOTE: TODAY’s ChangeMakers are sincere, determined men and women who do not give up on creating positive change in spite of obstacles. Join the Quest at
Remember what Charity is NOT. Click here.

About Carolyn Calton Carolyn Calton
Carolyn Calton is an online educator and ReNEW YOU Life Strategist. As founder of, and as CEO of Ron Newsom's, Carolyn helps sincere, determined men and women embrace with certainty a safe, secure framework for creating their own brighter and happier future TODAY—no matter their past. Turning heartache to happiness, those who Join her ReNEW YOU Classes and Joyful Breakthrough Membership Circles at, learn how to turn stress, anxiety, anger and dysfunction to hope, direction, happiness and peace in order to renew and regenerate themselves, their families and family lines.