I feel so happy!
I finished reading the Book of Mormon again. It clearly shows the generational influence of daily choices on physical, emotional and spiritual health and happiness.
My work serves people who feel lost in a sea of uncertainty, wandering without purpose, or who feel that they have never been taught what they really need to know to sustain lasting happiness. I’m preparing to teach an inner worth class that will offer ways to elevate thought patterns, habit patterns and family patterns. My emphasis is generational healing and freedom.
- I love reading about the Savior’s influence on people.
- I love taking those teachings into my heart and feeling the light of God’s love and seeing my own life change for the better.
- I love the close relationship it allows me to experience with Him in my present moments.
- I love the hope and encouragement I feel and the perspective I get by reading daily.
- I love the insight it gives me about generational healing vs generational degeneration.
- I love the uplift I get from the hope and encouragement I glean about doing my best.
- I’m grateful to be able to feel closer to God when I read from its pages.
- I appreciate the insight, understanding and light that is available to all of us.
This is a record that was intended to come forth in OUR day. I am grateful for the sacrifices of all those who kept the records and also for those who brought it forth for us to be able to read and learn from now.

About Carolyn Calton Carolyn Calton
Carolyn Calton is an online educator and ReNEW YOU Life Strategist. As founder of FamilyTreeQuest.com, CarolynCalton.com and as CEO of Ron Newsom's LiahonaLightAcademy.com, Carolyn helps sincere, determined men and women embrace with certainty a safe, secure framework for creating their own brighter and happier future TODAY—no matter their past. Turning heartache to happiness, those who Join her ReNEW YOU Classes and Joyful Breakthrough Membership Circles at FamilyTreeQuest.com, learn how to turn stress, anxiety, anger and dysfunction to hope, direction, happiness and peace in order to renew and regenerate themselves, their families and family lines.