Category Archives: Comfort

God of Love

I’m rejoicing at this season of rebirth.  Everything becomes new.  It is a season of remembrance and celebration.  Our hope is in Christ, who strengthens us.  He overcame all things, including death, that we might live again with our Heavenly Father after we die because of Christ’s resurrection.  (He paved the way for the rest of us.)

To live in God’s presence and be comfortable there, we must also humble our hearts and be cleansed from the effects of the choices we have made that are out of alignment with God’s will and laws (sin). In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus Christ took upon himself the sins of the world so WE might not suffer if we sincerely repent, ask forgiveness, make restitution, and change our ways.  Because of Christ, we can be forgiven and cleansed from sin and the guilt, sorrow and disappointment that accompanies it. Each and every person can then become spiritually alive again through the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ-who made repentance and forgiveness possible.

Just think of it.  Each day is a new beginning.  Our worth is great in the sight of God.  He (Heavenly Father) loved us so much that He sent his Son.  Jesus Christ (His Son) loved us so much that He gave his life to make all this possible for US.  We are blessed.  We are loved.  We are important.

I posted this wonderful video in remembrance of Jesus Christ.  I am grateful for His teachings of joy and hope and healing–and also for His sufferings which were endured for a higher purpose.

About Carolyn Calton

Look to the Light

Light and darkness cannot occupy the same space at the same time.

“It was dark because I didn’t know who I was or where I was going.” Shelley, Model, New York, USA

“It just felt like a dark hole that would never end.” Sal, Contractor, New Jersey, USA

“I was doing things that, you know, made me feel disgusted with myself. On one occasion, I felt so bad that I was impelled to call upon God although I had not prayed in many years.” Victor, Businessman, Jamaica

“. . . it felt like pure love, and at that moment, I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that Jesus Christ lived, and that He was the epitome of love – which I’d been looking for and could never find it. I’d done everything in the world that man had to offer, and none of it was real.” Bill, Businessman, Alabama, USA

“I feel like Christ gave me another chance.” Shelley

“He has brought me from a place I never thought I would be able to crawl out of. In the long run, I’ve noticed that, wherever He has taken me, it’s always been for a better result.” Sal

“There is an eternal plan here. This isn’t everything. I felt that I truly found Christ when I truly repented.” Shelley

“I know that Christ lives, that He is the Savior of mankind. So I believe that the greatest gift I could give to Him is to seek to strive to follow Him.” Sal

“The birth of the Savior means to me that the world has a chance to change. The world has a chance to become what He intended it to become from the beginning. The world has a chance to accept His love and follow Him.”

Stop and think, what are you really searching for?
Watch this video, and enjoy your Christ-centered Christmas.
(Click this link if video does not display.

About Carolyn Calton