Stephanie Nielson Inspires Me!

Stephanie Nielson inspires me.

I will never forget the day I found out that there had been two small plane crashes within a week or two of each other, and I knew relatives of the passengers in both crashes.  Parents, longing for the well-being of their loved ones.

One family lost two loved ones.  Another family–the Nielsons–had a son, who was badly burned, and a daughter-in-law who was burned and in worse condition than her husband!  Stephanie (the daughter-in-law) was in a coma for three months.  Her husband, Christian, sought to recover substantially so he could be at her bedside when she awoke.  The pilot died in the crash.

Stephanie’s story was perfect for Mother’s Day.  I wrote about her on my Examiner site.  If you’d like to know more and click a link to watch her in a video titled My New Life, here’s the link:

You’ll see why Stephanie inspires me!