I saw this on YouTube today, and it caused me to think back to the time when I would drive my second son to work. I love this song by Wayne Watson, and we would have it in the car–playing on the CD player.
I especially like the lyric, “Can’t change what’s happened ’till now, but we can change what will be.”
In a world full of turmoil, what a great reminder!
I love inspiring music, and I make it a habit of playing things that uplift my soul and remind me of who I am and why I’m on the earth.
Consider your favorite songs today. How do they lift and build you?

About Carolyn Calton Carolyn Calton
Carolyn Calton is an online educator and ReNEW YOU Life Strategist. As founder of FamilyTreeQuest.com, CarolynCalton.com and as CEO of Ron Newsom's LiahonaLightAcademy.com, Carolyn helps sincere, determined men and women embrace with certainty a safe, secure framework for creating their own brighter and happier future TODAY—no matter their past. Turning heartache to happiness, those who Join her ReNEW YOU Classes and Joyful Breakthrough Membership Circles at FamilyTreeQuest.com, learn how to turn stress, anxiety, anger and dysfunction to hope, direction, happiness and peace in order to renew and regenerate themselves, their families and family lines.